Hawaii Business Magazine: Grandparents Are Great, But They Can’t Solve All of Hawai‘i’s Child Care Needs

"Deborah Zysman, executive director of the Hawai‘i Children’s Action Network, argues regular, full-time grandparent-provided child care is a model of the past – from when women were at home and when people didn’t have to continue working into their 60s and 70s. Today, the Honolulu-based nonprofit tends to hear from families that grandparents help in bits and pieces, not all the time.

'They assist with things like picking up kids on occasion, but in terms of are they the ones watching children everyday while parents are at work? That model for most families is no more. … But part of the problem we have is people think it still is. People think, ‘Oh grandparents are doing it all,’ but Grandma is working. Grandma does not have time to stay home full time anymore and take care of the children.'"


Read more from Hawaii Business Magazine here.

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  • Zoë Brooks-Jeffiers
    published this page in Updates 2022-09-29 10:10:40 -1000