The Garden Island op-ed: State lawmakers should release federal aid now

Ted Kawahinehelelani Blake writes: "People are reaching the end of the capacity to endure more waiting. People who were living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic have no buffer to help them weather this crisis."

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Hawaiʻi Tribune-Herald op-ed: We deserve better from state leaders

Zahava Zaidoff writes: "There is no time to waste. We have lost too many lives nationwide already in this COVID19 nightmare through political inaction in D.C. Let’s not repeat that failure here in Hawaii. Our leaders have it in their power to save lives by releasing the federal aid now. We should expect them to do so."

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Release: Working Families Need State Support with COVID-19

30+ community groups urge Governor Ige and leaders to make necessary changes to assist working families impacted by COVID-19

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Working families need state support with COVID-19

March 15, 2020

Dear Governor Ige,

The partners and organizations signed below are writing to request action for our working families. Our state safety net is not equipped to deal with the crisis resulting from COVID-19 and steps must be taken to ensure our working families do not fall through the cracks.

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The Maui News: Paid family leave can serve the public good


My wife is from Sweden and a few years ago we were visiting her family. On a tour bus, the driver explained that every citizen in Sweden receives 480 publicly funded parental leave days. Both parents can take a portion of these days and a good majority of the leave provides 80 percent of the individual’s income, until the child reaches the age of 7.

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Hawaii Tribune Herald: Labor-related bills working way to final votes

By MICHAEL BRESTOVANSKY Hawaii Tribune-Herald | Friday, April 6, 2018, 12:05 am

Several bills that would improve working conditions or wages across the state are on the home stretch to being passed into law.

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Star Advertiser: No more studies needed: Paid family leave right for Hawaii

April 3, 2018
Like most mothers in Hawaii, I had to make the brutal decision to return to work before my body and baby were ready. I had to fight off the panic of handing him over to strangers, knowing that other mothers had buried children for doing the same. I gave up breastfeeding long before the recommended 12 months. I watched as my child fell into a cycle of illness after illness. Generally, I just missed him. You don’t get a do-over for a child’s life.
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Civil Beat: Hawaii Long Overdue For Paid Family Leave

By Corey Rosenlee / April 4, 2018

I am a teacher, so here’s a pop quiz: name the only country in the industrialized world that doesn’t have paid family leave?

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